Therapy For A New Era

~  HORIZONTAL Viewing Is BEST  ~


The personal clarity and strength you seek are available. Those inner limitations you have lived with for so long can be released & resolved. We invite you to look into SHEN to reclaim your emerging future, and discover the ‘Modern Science Behind Ancient Wisdom.’ As you explore this SHEN Therapy Now website, and as you begin to understand SHEN‘s transformative depth, see if you find yourself ‘in-between the lines.’   

We refer to SHEN as “The Gold Standard of Therapeutic Biofield/Qi Body Energy Work.” If you recognize the controlling influence of painful embodied trauma, sadness, fear, shame and/or guilt, then you also recognize that your mental & physical health and the quality of all your personal & professional relationships depends on releasing these inner tensions.

SHEN Physio-Emotional Release Therapy
Your Path to Personal Authenticity,
Confidence, Joy and Well-Being

Next page: Your Next Steps Into ‘Now’