A symphony conductor for 50+ years, and SHEN Therapist & Instructor for more than 35 years, my parallel careers have provided me unique insights into the inner worlds we all experience. Now, my living, teaching and working with clients in beautiful Sedona, Arizona adds to the long list of realities I am so grateful for.
In mid-June, 2024, my long-time friend and colleague Dr. Michael Karlfeldt interviewed me after my week-long SHEN residency at the Karlfeldt Center for Naturopathic Wellness & Oncology, near Boise, Idaho. The resulting video below introduces me, my life & journey, and the incredible work of SHEN. Hopefully, you’ll also sense the joy and wonder I constantly experience In working to re-empower my clients on their personal journies toward lives of intense passion, joy and satisfaction. That’s SHEN’s goal. Is it yours?
SHEN: A Biofield/Chi Body Therapy for Physical & Emotional
Release, Recovery and Personal Empowerment